Injection moulding is one of the most common methods used to produce customised plastic parts worldwide. The method consists of heating polymers until they melt and then moulding them to the shape of the part desired. This involves polymers being injected into a mould using high-intensity pressure. Here are some of the advantages of using this process.

Low labour costs

Thermoplastic injection machines work automatically, allowing for all procedures to be optimised so that downtime can be cut to zero. As such, supervisory needs are minimal as only one employee is required to control the machines, minimising human error.


Plastic injection moulding can produce highly complex parts thanks to the high pressure exerted on the moulds, making it possible to create parts with varied shapes and detailing and high levels of precision.


Despite the complexity of creating a mould, injection moulding allows users to modify the type of material and colour used to produce a product that meets any customer’s needs.


Speed characterises the process of injection moulding, which is so well known among mould companies, as it contributes to increasing employee productivity. Generally, the production cycles of parts take between 15 and 30 seconds. However, the speed of operations is often influenced by the complexity of the product under development.

Reduced waste

Environmental issues are quickly taking centre stage in our lives and, consequently, becoming a concern among large companies. The injection moulding process seeks to use only the necessary amount of plastic to produce moulds, with any unused excess being recycled and reused. When this is not possible, it is resold.

High-quality finish

Parts are most often extracted from machines without having to undergo any finishing processes, as they do not have any surface flaws. This factor benefits companies, which can cut overhead costs relating to inspecting finished products.

In fact, plastic injection moulding continues to grow and gain notoriety within the mould industry, allowing brands to optimise their processes and cut costs, therefore allowing them to make other investments.

Renowned in the market for the quality of our work and our ability to adhere strictly to delivery deadlines, Rectimold is the perfect partner for producing high-precision moulds. Contact us for all the information you may require.

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